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Patch Monitoring

Monitoring Birds on College Campus: A Study towards Conservation


Indira Mahavidyalaya College is situated at Kalamb (20.4453257383431720, 78.356185338406830) in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra (India). The Institute has green campus and avenue with planation. The college campus has good biodiversity. The campuses comprises of different herbs and shrubs species like Ocimum sanctum, Vitex negundo,Murraya koenigii, Cymbopogon citratus, Datura innoxia, Tridax procumbens, Mimosa pudica, Cissus quadrangularis, Euphorbia sp., Aloe vera, Asparagus racemosus, Withania somnifera, Nerium indicum, Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Citrus limon etc.


Tree species like Bauhinia variegata, Pongamia pinnata, Aegle marmelos, Dalbergia sissoo, Cassia , Emblica officinalis, Azadirachta indica, Tamarindus indica, Gliricidia, Ficus, etcc. The avenue plants comprises Azadirachta indica, with thick canopy and few Teak plants, while botanical garden has different medicinal plants ranges from herbs, shrubs to tree.



The college campus also has rain water harvesting project consist of water passage through campus and one water harvesting pond which attracts the birds. With respect to the habitat formation college campus for comprises different habitat within area. The college building (Administrative main building), teaching departments, gardens, Saraswati Temple, Water harvesting pond (Shetatale) and Avenues and adjoining agriculture field. 

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Monitoring Birds on College Campus: A Study towards Conservation
This study aims to investigate the avian diversity in Indira Mahavidyalaya campus by systematic study, Patch monitoring. Patch monitoring has carried out by selecting three different trails comprises different habitat like avenue plantation, botanical garden, agriculture field and buildings throughout the patch (college campus). Three different trails has been identified for the patch monitoring comprises majority of the college campus area. The trail were named, and regular monitring were carried out out throughout year. The monitirng has been carried out by the protocol of “Bird count India-Patch Monitoring Project” and then data has been interprited at the end of the study.

Indira Mahavidyalaya shows 30% of birds species observed in Yavatmal District. Total 89 bird species has been observed in June 2022 – May 2023 in Patch monitoring, while total bird species in India Mahavidyalay tnrough out life till 2023 is 100. Winter migration (Dec 2022-Feb 2023) shows more number of species compare to Fall migration (Aug-Nov 2022). Out of total 82 species 2 (3%) were Near Threatened (NT). 15% of bird species (12) were migratory birds. A wide Habitat variation observed including Terrestrial (87%), Wetland dependent (6%), wetland (6%) and Inland (1%).

The findings of this study will provide valuable information for developing conservation strategies and enhancing the habitat for birds on the college campuses and contribute to the overall conservation of avian species. The results of Patch monitoring suggest that college campus can provide important habitats for bird populations and play a crucial role in maintaining bird diversity. Further research is needed to understand the impact of different conservation strategies on bird populations and to develop effective conservation plans for the college campus.

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